réseau social Juridique
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Leonid Aptekar
New York
29.09.2022, 06:03

Looking for Assistance in Preparing Power of Attorney for Ukrainian Archives Inquiries

I need to prepare a power of attorney in the name of a Ukrainian citizen, allowing him/her to make inquiries to the archives of Ukraine. Maybe someone can help me (for a fee) issue such a power of attorney (properly certified) in accordance with the laws of Ukraine? It must be done in the Ukrainian language. I live in Staten Island

Вы обращаетесь на русскоязычный сайт, а вам нужно на украинский.

you are accessing a Russian-language site, BUT you need Ukrainian.


Напишите Олегу Роздольскому. Please contact attorney Oleg Rozdolsky via his email oleg2275@yahoo.com . Oleg also lives in Staten Island. Good luck.

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