Tobolin Aleksandr Aleksandrovich
Dzerzhinsk, Russia
❗Консультация по спорным вопросам
❗Составление процессуальных документов
❗Составление процессуальных документов
Areas of law
- Other
- Criminal law, crime
- Automobile law
- Rent
- Prenuptial agreement
- Drunk driving
- Civil rights
- Citizenship, residence permit
- Debts
- Domestic violence
- Animals, the law
- Consumer protection
- Theft
- Credits
- Smoking and alcohol
- Crimes
- Divorce, divorce
- Sex and intimacy
- Family law
- Insurance
- Courts
- Labor law
University: Nizhegorodskaia pravovaia akademiia (institut)
Specialization: Iurisprudentsiia
Year of graduation: 2012
City: Nizhny Novgorod